Our Theological House Part 3 – How We Worship

This will be part 3 of a series of sermons based partly upon Rebecca Parker and John Buehrens’ “A House of Hope, The Promise of Progressive Religion for the Twenty-first Century.”  Using categories from systemic theology, we will look at some of the theologies of Unitarian Universalism and how they impact our thoughts, words, and deeds.  This week we will talk about  “pneumatology” and the theology embedded in Unitarian Universalist worship practices.

Reverend Theresa Novak, Speaker;  Lara Abel, Worship Associate; Suzanne Kimmel, Director of Religious Education Worship and Children’s Religious Education at 11:30 am; Social Time at 11:00 am and 12:45 pm. 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma