Topic: Spiritual Growth

Let the Waves Wash Over Me

We all feel the waves threatening to pull us under. Waves of grief, waves of anger, waves of despair, waves of uncertainty. What might happen if we acknowledged that we were already under? What might happen if we open ourselves up to surrender? And what … read more.

This I Believe

“This I Believe” is one of UUP’s most cherished series of services. We learn wondrous things from members or dear friends of our congregation. In these talks, congregants trust US by sharing with us their lives and their stories about … read more.

Families & Faith

Through searching for and finding his biological family, Mr. Barb Greve has come to understand the saving grace Unitarian Universalism has had in his life. Join us as he shares his stories and insights into the saving power of our faith.

Guest Speaker: Mr. Barb Greve … read more.

This I Believe

Another in our beloved series of services in which we hear from members and friends of UUP about their spiritual journeys, and the path that led them to UUP. This Sunday, we will hear from Ann Ingraham and from our accompanist, Will Johnson.

Worship Associate: … read more.

Our Spiritual Relationship to Work

Join us for a Labor Day celebration of the meaning of work/job/career in our personal lives and in our American or Western culture. How do we balance our work selves with our playful selves and still live a fulfilling, passionate life? What role does recreation … read more.

This I Believe

Another in our beloved series of services in which we hear from members of our congregation who share their spiritual journeys. Stay tuned for speaker names!
Worship Leaders: Lara Abel and Lisa Nosal
Accompanist: Will Johnson

The First Source: Direct Experience

The Unitarian Universalist Living Tradition draws from many sources, and the first of these is “direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces that create and … read more.