Topic: Religious Education

The History of Hell

with Ashley Makdad, Worship Associate, and David Dodd, Piano

Since the early years of Christianity, theologians have pointed out that references to Hell in the Christian scriptures are infrequent, inconsistent, and often ambiguous. Despite that, a majority of Americans still believe in Hell. Today we will … read more.


The first source of our liberal faith is “transcendent mystery and wonder” and all religious traditions have stories of those who step beyond ordinary experience on the spiritual quest. Perhaps, you have also had moments of illumination and encounters with the divine or the … read more.

Bridging Ceremony

Our high school graduates will be leading the service June 24th.  Please join us as we recognize their transition from youth to young adult through story, song and a Bridging Ceremony.

Director of Religious Education: Suzanne Kimmel
Worship Associate: David Dodd
Accompanist: Paul Mihaly