Topic: Our Environment

The Soul of a Tree

We often hear UU Petaluma members talk about nature as a source of their spirituality. Let’s celebrate the wonder that we find in trees, drawing from Thoreau, Emerson, Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, Julia Butterfly, as well as Joyce Tischler’s and George Beeler’s own thoughts and … read more.

If We Fall in Love with God’s Earth, We will Fight for Her

Rev. Dr. Robert Shore-Goss is a UCC clergy/theologian, former pastor of MCC United Church of Christ, North Hollywood—the first church named as a Creation Justice Church of the UCC. Rev. Shore-Goss is a Buddhist-Christian, queer and green. He has a Th/D. in Comparative Religion and … read more.

Earth Day: When Children Chose to Save the World

UU Petaluma Players of All Ages Come to the future to learn how children made a big difference for the Earth when the Green Ooze tried to take over.  All Ages will be together today for the whole worship.

Prayers To the Earth

What do people mean when they say they practice “Earth-based” spirituality?  Are there special costumes?  Rituals?  Tree worship?  Sometimes, yes and maybe!  Come today and learn what it means to practice an “Earth-based” faith, and hear why Rev. Bonnie Dlott thinks that Pagans, Wiccans, and … read more.

Why You Don’t Have to Feel Guilty About Driving

Sometimes being aware of the climate crisis and our own role in the degradation of the environment can lead to a paralyzing guilt. Heather MacLeod, a member of the First Unitarian Church of Oakland, outlines theological reasons, practical reasons, relational reasons and political reasons NOT … read more.

Waking to Wildness

Spring is wild, chaotic and revolutionary! Spring is the symbol of life, change and awakening. Out of the depths and dead of winter, comes new life. Various religious traditions, including the Christian Easter story, speak of the rising of the dead. Join us as we … read more.


Our theme for March is Wildness: what does it mean to be a community that embraces our inner wild places? David Kratzmann is a popular professor in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at Santa Rosa Junior College.