What Will We Harvest?

UUP services return! Join us for a live Zoom service, in which we will share with each other our hopes for this year. The beginning of August is Lammas or Lughnasadh on the pagan Wheel of the Year, a time for the first wheat harvest or, here in California, a time when gardens and trees offer bounties of zucchini, figs, and melons. Let’s celebrate the seeds we have planted over the past year reaching fruition.

We will send out the link to the viewing gathering in our newsletter. (Sign up for our newsletter, “This Week at UUP,” at https://www.uupetaluma.org/blog/newsletter/.) Because this is a live service focused on (re)connecting with each other, the service will not be archived on the Remote Services page.

Worship Associate: Lisa Nosal
Musician: Will Johnson
