Still Crazy After All These Years

Do we admit to ourselves we worry, have anxiety and fears about our children, the state of the world, wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis? What keeps you up at night? Are you glued to your digital devices? What do you do to self-soothe, to unplug, to bring yourself down from what has become a constant state of anxiety for many of us? What is your “Bridge Over Troubled Water”? How do we get back to “Feelin’ Groovy”? Because we won’t live forever. “It’s all gonna fade” as the Still Crazy song says.

(Please note: On this Sunday, many members of the congregation will be away at our all-congregation retreat, but we always keep our doors open for worship at home in Petaluma for anyone who is not able to attend retreat, or for any visitors we might have.)

Worship leader: Carol Crabill
Accompanist: Will Johnson
Director of Religious Education: Suzanne Kimmel

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