Time to Learn, Time to Celebrate

Being a force for good in the world and in each other’s lives doesn’t just happen.  Congregations rely on skillful leaders who know how to follow and skillful followers who know how to lead.  Meaning we all have minds and hearts and hands to contribute.  The word is congregations that will thrive in the future are figuring out now how to inter-connect and become inter-dependent.  A UUP team is forming to attend these events.  Talk with Carol West or Rev. Mary to learn more.

PCD Leadership Day on Friday April 22 for Leading Change in Changing Times.  It’s $60 including lunch. http://www.pcduua.org/events/district-assembly/friday-leadership-day/

District Assembly – evening of April 22 through Sunday, April 24 for Doing Together What We Cannot Do Alone.  Keynote from Rev. Scott Tayler on radical interdependence – working smarter, not harder.  $170 including three meals on Saturday, along with a multitude of workshops. http://www.pcduua.org/events/district-assembly/