Director of Religious Education Hiring Committee

This spring we will be working together to find a new DRE for our congregation. We are excited to begin this next chapter in RE and look forward to building on the program that Jim has so lovingly and capably lead these past four years.  The hiring committee is tasked with finalizing and posting an updated job description, screening applicants, and interviewing and making final hiring decisions.  Our committee is comprised of RE Committee Chair Leslie Harrison, Reverend Mary, UUP Board Member Ed Hootstein, Worship Associate Lara Abel, Parent Rachel Ede, and Youth Representative Elliot Harrison-Lee.  We have laid the foundation for advertising the position and expect to begin interviewing candidates in mid-May. Our goal date for having someone hired is June 30th and the position start date is  August 1.  We appreciate your support of RE during this transition. Please see the job description posted on the UUP website, and contact Leslie Harris at with any questions.