In Faith and Love, Reverend Mary: 3/3/16

The theme for the month of March is Wildness – what does it mean to be a community that embraces wildness – inside ourselves – in our relationships at home, at work, at church and in the big wide natural world?  Sometimes I think wildness is a juicy invitation to branch out into the unknown and sometimes it seems downright foolhardy!  It was just 7 months ago that UUP decided to go wild by saying yes to being in a new location.  I’ve witnessed feelings of loss and feelings of gratitude in those 7 months, with plenty of angst and plenty of joy,too.  What stands out to me now is the wildness of the new energy that is flowing.

The Fun and Fellowship team is planning events – soon to be revealed.  There is a Seder on the calendar.  Larking About is blossoming, with a new composition from our Music Director to debut on March 27 for Easter.  On March 20th the Chalice Circles Planning Team will introduce the pilot program for small groups. Chalice Circles are a way to explore issues of meaning and spiritual significance in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.  See below for more details.
Soon the Board of Trustees will create a budget for next year and all of us will be invited to make a financial pledge to support this beneficent community for the coming year.  Just like all of life, congregational life keeps rolling along – with religious education and worship week after week, socializing time and social justice time, supporting each other in good times and hard times.  In all of what is unfolding may we find what we need — solitude and community, wildness and peace of mind.

In faith and love,

Reverend Mary