A Free Faith

Unitarian Universalism is a faith with a long history of freedom of both the pulpit and the pew.  We are a covenantal faith, not a creedal one. Our congregations have covenanted to affirm and promote our seven principles, but our members are not required to affirm or deny any particular theological beliefs.  Do we want to be a congregation that is a gathering for like-minded people or do we want to embrace a diversity of belief?  What are the challenges and the benefits of those two paths?

Reverend Theresa Novak, Speaker; David Dodd, Worship Associate; Jesus Contreras, Music Director; Suzanne Kimmel, Director of Religious Education

Worship and Children’s Religious Education at 11:30 am; Social Time at 11:00 am and 12:45 pm. 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma