Becoming Ourselves

As we become ourselves, we don’t just arrive there! It is a process, an unfolding and a shaping. This process is shaped by the way we were born, (as Lady Gaga exclaims in her song!), the family we were born into, and the circumstances of our lives and our world. Sometimes we discover our deep life purpose in a pivotal moment. Sometimes we become ourselves by walking through, or perhaps avoiding certain doors along the way. Unfortunately, some of us are squashed and molded (usually by a parent) until we don’t even know if we have a self left. How did you become yourself? What about Michael Moore or Donald Trump? How did they become themselves? What can we learn from looking at their stories of becoming? Come join us on Sunday February 19th UUP. Rachael Newman, a member of UUP Worship Committee, and a Marriage and Family Therapist, MFT, in Petaluma will facilitate an exploration of this topic. Rachael will be joined by Scott Schafer, her husband, who will speak about his experience of becoming a father.

Rachael Newman and Scott Shafer, Speakers; Ellen Beeler, Worship Associate; Jesus Contreras, Music Director; Suzanne Kimmel, Director of Religious Education

Worship and Children’s Religious Education at 11:30 am; Social Time at 11:00 am and 12:45 pm. 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma